Monday, March 14, 2011

Arrgh! Its Monday again- with an hour less sleep.

I love Spring, except for the allergies. Everything is so fresh , and the produce that Henri uses is local . We will be posting a new menu soon which will reflect changes in the season.

There have been some men in suits visiting us recently. We know most of the locals and they don't act like tourists. Has anyone else seen them ? They come in , write in notebooks , and hardly speak. Not even to Katie. Everyone loves Katie and she usually can get customers to open up. There are no conventions in town. Wonder who they are.

Jean Paul will be making an Irish Stew with Guiness for St Patrick's Day. He made me culcannon which is mashed potatoes , cabbage and onions the other night. Sadly, we can't offer Guiness as a beverage. No liquor license. He will be giving samples this afternoon after 4:30 if you want to stop in and try it.

Bon soir et bon apetit,
Arina Copain,
Office Manager

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